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Start Planning For Financial Freedom Today


It’s likely that you will spend more than half of your life accumulating assets to be utilized during retirement and ultimately leave behind a legacy for a next generation.


Proper planning during this phase will take into consideration your thoughts about retirement timing and lifestyle as well as the most tax efficient savings options.


Our team will work with you to establish targeted savings goals starting with maximizing any company sponsored retirement plans as well as growing your nest egg.


We will develop a savings plan for retirement and provide a central location for you to access accounts including a digital vault to store planning documents.

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© 2025 The Voss Group


Securities, investment advisory, and financial planning services offered by qualified Registered Representatives through MML Investors Services, Inc., Member SIPC ( The Voss Group is not subsidiaries or affiliates of MML Investors Services, LLC, or its affiliated companies. 400 Meridian Centre, Ste 101, Rochester, NY 14618. (585) 241-5200 CRN202509-2836198 


We have individuals licensed to sell securities and insurance products in AZ, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, IA, MA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, VT, WA. Elwyn Voss CA Insurance License #: 0F63769. Domicile in NY. 


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